Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Celebration Weekend

God is good....all the time~
Nadia & Katie

We had a weekend of celebrating this past weekend! We began Saturday morning at the Bible School where we celebrated the graduation of 5 students who just completed their ministerial studies. That event was followed by the Kindergarten and 8th Grade Graduation at Bamako Christian Academy where Bridgette attends school.

Our Good Friend ~ MK: Katie Caswell....Congratulations.... Now you're officially a freshman!

The next day, Sunday was filled with celebration as 16 were baptised in water throughout the day. Todd baptised 6 at our African church service and 3 more that evening at the home of American friends. We have seen God do some amazing things recently including bringing salvation and deliverance to one of those who were baptised.

To God be the glory....great things He has done.

Todd and Pastor Moise in baptismal tank
Todd & Pastor Daouda, Kalaban Coura Assembly of God

Sahara and Mah Si
Donae, Gabe, Josh, Nadia, Erica, Sahara & T.J

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